String Slicing

String slicing allows you to extract a portion of a string.

It takes two parameters: the starting index and the length (optional). It returns a new string containing the extracted portion.

Let's perform such operations on the string "computer". Its structure is the following:


Single argument slicing

Skip the first couple of symbols


In this example, str.Substring(3) skips the first 3 symbols of the string - 'c', 'o', and 'm'.

The remaining part of the string (starting from the 3rd index - 'p') is extracted - puter.

Selecting the last couple of symbols


In this example, str.Substring(str.Length - 3) extracts only the last 3 symbols of the string - 't', 'e', and 'r'.

The way it works is simply skipping the first 5 symbols.

str.Length is the count of the string symbols - 8 in this case.

The code is absolutely the same as this:


Two arguments slicing

Allows selecting symbols in a certain range.


In this example, str.Substring(3, 2) skips the first 3 symbols of the string - 'c', 'o', and 'm'.

Afterwards, it takes 2 more symbols - p and u.

This way we can also skip the first and last characters like this:


In this example, 1 skips the first character - c.

str.Length - 2 is the same as 8 - 2 which is 6. So it takes the rest of the string until 6 symbols are taken.

Invalid cases

An invalid case results in an exception.

It uses indexes outside of the string bounds.

Such an example is using negative indexes:

Another example which throws an exception is using a positive index that's outside of the string bounds.