

List is a collection similar to array but without specific size.

There are couple of things to remember about it:


  • Element at random index cannot be accessed directly. To do it an iterator must be used.
  • It's suitable for large sets of data.
  • A size (elements count) cannot be defined.

In order to use it the following line should be added:

Also if there is need of access to element at specific index, the following needs to be included:


type specifies the values type - int, double, string, char etc...


Empty List

Initial Elements

Looping elements

Let's have a list of ages and print only those who are greater than 20.


Adding element to the back

This can be done via the push_back function. Like in the following code:


Size is the count of elements in collection.

In order to get it the size function is used.



Accessing specific index

Let's add elements to list and access the element at index 1.


There are couple of things to notice:

  • In order to access element at specific index the iterator library needs to be added (line 6).
  • The iterator starts from the 0-th index of collection - line 21.
  • Afterwards it's moved to the 3-rd index - line 22.
  • The iterator points to a specific element which is accessed at line 24.

Outside of bounds

Iterator which moves outside ot list bounds results in exception.

Let's look at the following:

The collection has 3 elements but the iterator moves 5 elements ahead. This causes an exception.