If Statement

Code Fragment can be executed only if a certain condition is met.


condition has a boolean type (true or false).

Basic Example


if condition is true - execute the code inside if fragment.

Comparison Operators

Operator Description Examples Result
== Equal to 5 == 5 true
4 == 5 false
'4' == 4 true
=== Identical to 5 === 5 true
4 === 5 false
'3' === 3 false
!= Not equal to 7 != 5 true
4 != 4 false
true != false true
!== Not Identical to 7 != 5 true
4 !== 4 false
5 !== '5' true
> Greater than 5 > 0 true
5 > 5 false
10 > 0 true
>= Greater than or equal to 3 >= 3 true
5 >= 4 true
3 >= 5 false
< Less than 3 < 5 true
5 < 6 true
5 < 5 false
<= Less than or equal to 2 <= 0 false
5 <= 5 true
5 < 1 false

Let's create a program that uses comparisons operators.

Determine whether person is adult (age >= 21) or child (age < 13) depending on his/her age.


Since age is greater than 21, line 4 executes.

Because age is not less than 13, line 8 is not executed.